Friday, October 18, 2013

Redoing The Bulb Bed--October 18, 2013

      Since we were gone for three months, and it rained like crazy all summer long, when we arrived home the back yard was over run with 2-3' tall weeds and grasses.  Once we were unpacked and settled in, that was our first priority.  Now that it is accomplished, time for work in the front.
      The front "bulb bed" which goes across the front of the porch, is mainly planted with iris. There are a few hyacinths which the pigs (javelina) haven't eaten, but darn few. So I have decided to not only weed the bed and dig it up to aerate the soil, but because my sweet niece Mindy Kamholz gave me a ton of iris bulbs, to replant them, some tulips, and some daffodils in order to fill the bed with spring happiness. 
     Because it is a rather large bed, and the soil is not easily worked (thus the amendments of compost and mulch and maybe some manure), I've decided to do it in portions instead of doing the entire bed at one time. I'm not as young as I used to be, and there are other projects which need to be completed for which I'd have no energy left if I did  the entire bed (like making meals for my husband and feeding the dog!). 
     So here are the beginning project photos. As I continue to improve it, I'll post more. 
the entire bed...first quarter completed area in the front
left end of bed--a mess
right side of bed--new bulbs with compost
                                            center area of bed--iris' trimmed                                                 down only

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