Here Comes Peter Cottontail….Happy Easter!
Happy Easter all. The Pagan rituals of spring, filled with eggs, rabbits, greens…all symbols of fertility and rebirth is a joyous occasion after the long cold winter. And after working the gardens for 2 days prior to this holiday, I’m praying fertility, growth and not snow and freezing temps stay in the forefront. Six inches of snow two weeks ago shriveled the blossoms on my Banksias’ roses, and one sage plant, but the cabbages, onions, garlic, all survived well. And the other plants were all brought inside the house, making it look and smell a bit like a hot house. OH well, at least they didn’t freeze.
Now after planting Blue Lake Beans, lettuce seeds, beet and turnip seeds, mache, shelling peas, stevia, Boxwood basil, petunias and nasturtium, I’m hoping the weather report is correct and it doesn’t go down to below 35 in the upcoming week.

But today there’s no gardening. Today there’s a drive over to the Verde Valley where it will be warmer and welcoming, to Middle Verde and the beautiful home of friends Kenny & Ryna. Located along the ditch near the Verde River, surrounded by mulberry, apple, sycamore, pine, and other large shading trees, budding out into their green summer foliage, and filled with ponds, raised garden beds, pots of growth, statues of Buddha and Shiva, tubs and tanks encased in walls of stacked flagstone, mosaics, antiques, old stoves….a fabulous mish-mash of collected and made artistic creation, it is a magic and wonderful place to be. 

Today, multi generations filled the house and yards, with delicious smells of hot rolls and baking quiche coming from the house, and tables with bunnies, bags of goodies, baskets, trees trimmed in big eggs and flowing streamers making the yard a joyous spring time fantasy land. Billiards was being played in the carport, soon to be finished into a billiards room; people sat in the outside chairs around the tables warming themselves in the sun while chatting and getting to know each other or reuniting with those who hadn’t been seen in a long time. Sariah played in her sand box, enjoying the animal statues and just pouring sand on her legs and wiggling her toes in the warmth. Guayo, our pup, loved the freedom of running and playing, chasing Hershey and running from Sariah. It was a free and easy day for all with good conversation, good food, and meeting friends new and old. A big thanks to Kenny & Ryna for inviting us to be a part of their family and celebration.
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