What a day—what a week. Turning 60 isn’t as bad as I’d thought…so far.
So far I’ve had emails and cards and calls from tons of friends; received not only a fabulous new lens for my Canon (whoo hoo more telephoto capacity), but a night out to Japanese dinner, both from my hubby; had my dearest long time friend spend the night; and today wa a whole new celebration.
It was one of those fabulous warm blue-skied mid-winter days we can have in Central Arizona. The kind the C of C advertises & people who visit from MN immediately go out and buy ahouse so they can secure it for themselves.
After making a batch of Gluten Free all purpose baking mix and trashing the kitchen,m Roy wanted to get out and savor the day. Me too…plus needed to run a couple of errands. SO we took off, leaving the kitchen a mess and things undone. What the heck…more important to cease the day. We stopped at work, stopped at Honeyman’s, filled the car with gas, took a drive up to Thumb Butte and checked it out; took a walk around courthouse square with Guayo. He and Roy shared some frozen yogurt while I went to the Shoe Box and bought a new pair of shoes. They were having their semi-annual shoe sale so I went in and found myself a great pair of Clarke’s; then proceeded to Olive U for bottles of Tuscan Herb and Wild Mushroom and Sage olive oils. It is the coolest place….great flavored olive oils and balsamic vinegars that you can taste before buying!
Winding down, we headed toward home, but Roy wanted to prolong the time out in the gorgeous weather, so we took Guayo to the dog park. I love all the dogs that show up at the park…they are as interesting and diverse as their owners. Big ones, little ones, sleek ones, fuzzy ones, fat ones, barky ones, aggressive ones, playful ones, sweethearts and silly puppies…they are all so cute. Guayo was playing away having a great time as usual. We were talking to Mark, one of the regulars with a huge chocolate colored, fuzzy labradoodle named Buster. He was telling us of the Arizona Burning Man coming up in May. Guayo had found found a friend and while they were playing like crazy, this guy was a bit too rough for my liking, giving Guayo some pretty hard nips, so I gathered him up and said “let’s go”.

So about 6:00 p.m. we finally headed home. As we came around the corner, I noticed lots of cars in the driveways. I’d been had!! The whole “it’s a beautiful day so let’s get outside in it” routine was a rouse to keep me away from the house. Seems Carly and Roy had conspired a 60th Birthday Surprise Party!